
Catalog 2024-2025

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Associate in Arts Degree

The Associate in Arts in Geography is a 60 unit program which provides lower division coursework for students to transfer to a four-year institution for a major in Geography. Career Opportunities: The study of geography offers students a wide array of potential career paths. Geography graduates often go on to work at colleges, universities as teachers and researchers. Opportunities also exist with federal and state governments and non-governmental organizations in the form of social science and public health analysis, community planning, and cultural advocacy. Some geography graduates find employment in the fields of regional planning, natural resource management, retail site location analysis, real estate, or GIS (Geographic Information Systems). Examples of careers for Geography majors include: Education / Outreach, Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis, Regional Planning, Natural Resource Management, Retail Site Location Analysis, Real Estate, Community Development, Human Rights / Social Justice Advocacy, Human / Social Services and International Development / Affairs. The Associate in Arts in Geography Degree (A.A. in Geography) is primarily transfer oriented. It prepares students to enter 4-year Geography programs at the university level.

Major Core Requirements (13 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
GEOG001Intro Physical Geography 3 units
GEOG002Introduction to Cultural Geography3 units
GEOG006World Regional Geography3 units
Select one:

Elementary Statistics
Honors Elementary Statistics

4 units
4 units

Major Electives: at least 9 units (9 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
ANTH001Introduction to Physical Anthropology3 units
ANTH002Introduction to Archaeology3 units
Only one:

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Honors Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

3 units
3 units
BIOL059Climate Change3 units
Only one:

Principles of Macroeconomics
Honors Principles of Macroeconomics

4 units
4 units
Only one:

Principles of Microeconomics
Honors Principles of Microeconomics

4 units
4 units
GEOL001APhysical Geology4 units
GEOL001BHistorical Geology4 units
GEOL012Earth Science with Lab4 units
GEOL015Geology of California3 units
GEOL020Field Geology2 units
GIST016AIntroduction to Geospatial Technology3 units
GIST016BMobile GIS3 units
GIST016CSpatial Analysis for GIS3 units
GIST016GIntroduction to Remote Sensing3 units
GIST016IGIS Programming and the Web3 units
HIST004AWestern Civilization I: Prehistory to 1500 CE3 units
HIST004BWestern Civilization II: 1500 CE to Present3 units
HIST005AWorld History: Prehistory to 15003 units
HIST005BWorld History from 15003 units
HIST012African American History3 units
HIST014History of the Native North Americans3 units
HIST016Mexican-American History3 units
HIST017AUnited States History3 units
Only one:

United States History
Honors United States History

3 units
3 units
HIST020History and Geography of California3 units
Only one:

American Government
Honors American Government

3 units
3 units
POLI002Comparative Governments3 units
Only one:

Introduction to Political Science
Honors Introduction to Political Science

3 units
3 units
POLI004International Relations3 units
PSCI010Physical Science Survey3 units
PSCI020Weather and Climate3 units
Only one:

General Psychology
Honors General Psychology

3 units
3 units
PSYC009Psychology of Women: A Multicultural Perspective3 units
SOCI001Introduction to Sociology3 units
Only one:

Social Problems
Honors Social Problems

3 units
3 units
SOCI020Sociology of Race and Ethnicity3 units

Total Major Units: 22 units

To be awarded an Associate Degree, a student must:

  1. Achieve a grade of 鈥淐鈥 or better in the major requirements.
  2. Completion of WVC, CSU-Breadth, or IGETC General Education patterns. Students whose goal is to obtain a bachelor鈥檚 degree should complete the CSU-Breadth or IGETC General Education pattern.
  3. Complete additional degree applicable units to meet the minimum 60-unit Associate Degree requirements.

Upon successful completion of this program a student will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast different types of landforms.
  • Analyze the controls, distribution, and classification of world climates.
  • Analyze spatially related problems related to current/recent geopolitical events.