
Health and Safety Policies

The incidence and severity of illness can be greatly reduced if we work cooperatively to prevent the rapid spread of communicable infections among the children in our classrooms. A daily health assessment will be made of each child upon arrival by a senior specialist (101226.1 A DSS/CCL). If a child shows any signs of illness or infection, the child may not be left at the WVC-CDC. Any health concerns will be directly discussed with the parent.

All children over the age of two years and adults will wear a face-coverings upon entering the WVC-CDC. Children and staff will wear face-coverings inside and outside during the school day.

Studies show that hand washing reduces the spread of communicable diseases. Anyone entering the WVC-CDC must use hand-sanitizer after entering the building. Children will wash their hands with soap under running water before entering the classroom.

Due to potentially life-threatening allergic reactions, WVC-CDC is a "NUT FREE ENVIRONMENT". Never bring foods containing nuts into any of the CDC classrooms.

We understand that as children become comfortable with their surroundings their desire to move independently is a typical outcome. However, young children, siblings and friends of the family must stay under the supervision of the parent, guardian, or family member during pick up and drop off or when visiting the program or classroom for special events. Please ensure your child’s safety by requiring your child to remain at your side at all times. Do not allow your child(ren) to run ahead of you in the parking lot.

Remember: Never leave any child unattended in your vehicle, in the parking lot or pick up area, even for a moment; it is against the law. (California Vehicle Code 15620)

Please apply sunscreen to your child prior to coming to the center. If you wish to have the staff reapply sunscreen during the day, please provide your child’s sunscreen labeled their name and complete the sunscreen permission form. Your child’s sunscreen will be kept out of children’s reach in the classroom. The DSS-CCCL considers sunscreen as non-prescription medication and so only teachers and staff can apply sunscreen. Children cannot apply their own sunscreen while signed into the program. Sunscreen cannot be left in the child’s backpack or cubby.

If your child requires medication during the school day, a medication permission form must be completed by your child’s doctor. The doctor must specify on the form what medicines the child must take, the dosage, the time, and any side effects. Both the physician and the parent must sign the medication form. No exceptions will be made. This applies to prescriptions and over the counter medications.

  • All medicine must be in its original container, labeled with the child’s name and the current date. It is important that you check periodically to see if your child’s medication has expired.
  • New medication permission forms must be filled out whenever a medicine is brought into the center and must be updated for ongoing medications at least every two months.
  • ALL medication must be given to the teachers daily to be stored in a locked box in the classroom as required by California Community Care Licensing. Under no circumstances can you leave your child’s medication in their backpack or cubby.

The following rules must be always followed in the parking lot:

  • Enter and exit the parking lot following the posted signs.
  • Keep children close to you at all times. Do not let them run ahead of you.
  • Do not leave children in the car alone or unattended around cars.

The WVC-CDC may call a parent to pick up a child if the child’s behavior is a severe problem in the classroom and the child is jeopardizing their safety or the other children or staff in the classroom.

Illness Policy

If a child shows signs of illness or infection while in the classroom, the parent will be contacted, and your child will be isolated. Parents will be asked to pick up their child within one hour, or to designate another adult to pick up the child. Children must be free of symptoms for 24 hours before returning.

Parents are required to notify the classroom if they or their children contact a communicable disease such as Covid19, giardia, conjunctivitis, hepatitis, strep throat, measles, etc. Parents will be notified if their child is exposed to a communicable disease.


COVID-19 and the common cold share the same symptoms. If your child shows any common cold symptoms, you must give them a COVID home/antigen test. If the test is negative and your child is only experiencing mild symptoms (clear runny nose, no fever, is active and in good spirits, etc.), your child may come to school.

Children must stay home if any of the following symptoms are evident:

Any child who tests positive for COVID-19 must stay home for five days after the positive test. They may return to school if they are symptom free after the five-day quarantine period. You must inform the program director via email if your child tests positive for COVID-19.

100.4 degrees or higher - before fever medicine is administered. Child must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.

Runny nose with fever, lack of appetite, lethargy, or irritability; runny nose which is yellow or green for more than a week; runny nose plus other signs of illness. Any symptoms that persist for two or more weeks usually require medical attention. Children can return with a clear runny nose if there are no other symptoms – and are Covid negative on a home/antigen test.

A wet, wheezy cough with mucous secretion.

With fever, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, drainage, irritability, tugging on ears. Children may return when on medication and 24 hours after symptoms are gone.

With yellow or green drainage. Children must be on medication 24 hours and have very little drainage before returning.

Recurring or with fever.

With drainage. Child having dried skin lesions may return.

Child may return after appropriate treatment and shampoo.

All cases of diarrhea must be reported. Diarrhea has more serious consequences than catching a cold. Severe dehydration can lead to hospitalization. The risks of spreading diarrhea are more serious than the risk of spreading colds. A child must stay at home with diarrhea when:

  • there are 2 or more watery, loose, or mucousy bowel movements
  • and /or it is present with additional signs of child being sick (fever, runny nose, lack of appetite)